Mission and vision

In today's modern and fast evolving society, people and organisations need to adapt constantly, whether it concerns their job and career, or their strategy and operational management.

More than ever before, constant change and adaptation are key to staying relevant and up to date, and to be able to cope with the future.

It doesn't matter whether you apply for a job, traineeship or career with the European Union (EU) and in the European institutions and you want to participate and succeed in the EPSO selection tests and recruitment exams, or you rather strive for more efficient management and strategy for your business, company or organisation.

Though we believe in the limitless ability of people and organisations to adapt, we often notice that people and organisations don’t manage to capitalise on this fully.

We are convinced that the partially untapped ability to adapt and change can be ideally stimulated from within the individual or the organisation. We go together with you to great lengths to achieve this!

Based on this belief and knowledge, we established our mission and vision.

Our mission

We convince people and organisations about the positive impact of adaptation and change on the individual career and the lifecycle of a business or organisation.

Our vision

We coach and guide people directly towards a job or traineeship with the European institutions (EU) and make sure that businesses and organisations excel in the growth and development of their strategy, management and operations.

Our strategy

We have translated our mission and vision into a concrete strategy which comprises three pillars:


CALIPA Academy

CALIPA Consultancy

Our strategy and focus on quality, professionalism, pragmatism, and clientorientation lifts people and organisations to the highest level.

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